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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST

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consent calendar item 9, 9a through 9j consent -- >> go ahead. >> all matter listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine by the san francisco public utilities commission, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission or the public so requests, in which event the matter will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item. >> dr. jackson. i didn't hear too well. you were saying you were removing this? >> i prefer not to. but i did not want to prevent you from making comments on it. well, i'm glad it's being removed. >> you want it removed? yes. >> is there a motion by a member of the committee? i don't want it removed, but if someone else does, that's their option. all right. >> aren't they allow today do that? are you going to put it over to another time?
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>> no, no, i don't want to do that. >> just to be clear, in removing it from consent, that's essentially what you're doing by allowing someone to testify on an individual item. but then you're going to call it. you're not removing it from the calendar. you're going to call it and vote on it -- >> correct. >> all right. >> motion -- >> i move to remove it from -- >> mr. courtney, without objection, that will be the order. all right, dr. jackson, now you can legally speak. thank you. when i saw this on the calendar, and i read a, i would like -- if staff is here, you have in front of you, i think it's the thier group, who is that? i just wanted information as to who this group is if needed for community and outreach services. who are these people? who are the groups? >> so, holley thier who is out in the audience, he du a lot of the project labor agreement and also help with the small
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businesses in the region. so, she has been involved in a lot of contracts with the puc. * so, she provides a lot of services, especially in the region. then another question, since i don't know who she is. in the discussion that has been going on, the problems that dealing about the jobs, you know, the contracts and things, and i mentioned this previously. it's a sad situation that this, as large as this city is and concern that goes on in the city that there is not one city department that has a state certified or federal certified compliance officer to make sure that the contractors are doing what they're supposed to do. so, and i have brought this -- been bringing this up for the last two years prior to we having local hiring here in san francisco. and this is one of the reasons
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why people have been skirting because people are turning their heads while contractors get these contracts and they don't do the job that they're supposed to for the citizens of san francisco. well, i want to just thank you -- >> thank you. and i'm sure ms. thier who heard exactly what you said will be outreaching to you. well, good. [laughter] >> all right. any other items that wish to be removed by the commission? before we move for a vote on the consent calendar as a whole? on this item as well? >> 9a. >> 9a. robert woods again. i'm looking at this and when i look at the possibilities of this contract and the community, nobody in the community is nowhere near in this, in this procedure.
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and even though it's only 49,000, but here is something, we're talking about outreach in the community and we are -- basically, when you look at what the city is doing, bayview hunters point district 10 is basically is our last hoorah and the community is not being asked or being considered because you're going to be coming into our community and we are not a part of this, and that's why we -- this is what we're crying about. parity, give us an opportunity to participate. that's all we ask. give us an opportunity to participate, and this is participation. thank you. >> can i just clarify
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something? so, this is part of three contracts? one was james mc gee, he's african-american firm. his contract was modified. also we had ms link 2000 which is an hispanic firm as well, and they got the same modification. so, it's part of, you know, all three that we went out with an rfp out sometime ago. so, i just wanted to fill that and put it in context. >> all right. any other comments? all right. item -- we have removed item a and item h from the agenda. so, that leaves the remainder of the consent calendar which i would entertain a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> so moved and second, senator vietor. [laughter] >> procedural problem. all right. those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> opposed? all right, the motion carries.
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item 9a, is there a motion? >> so moved. >> so moved by commissioner caen. >> second. >> second by courtney. signify by saying aye. >> yee. aye. >> opposed? that item carries. item h, you had a comment? >> yes. there is a substitute resolution that is available to you and to the public. * commissioner caen if you could move the staff recommended corrections -- >> where are they? >> to the agenda item? they were -- >> okay. >> i don't think you have to read them into the record. you just need to move -- >> here it is. thank you. >> i have a substitute motion before me. i would like to propose the following change. it's about authorization for our general manager. and the additional whereas reads as follows. if a potential contract modification is under consideration that would increase the contract duration for 09 consecutive calendar days. to complete the additional contract work and address delays, potentially caused by the contractor, increasing the
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total contract duration to up to 720 consecutive calendar days depending upon the determination of responsibility for the delays and subject to the general manager subsequent approval of a modification to the contract. and that's the additional amendment that i'm proposing. so, that's my motion. >> all right. is there a second? >> second. >> second. moved and seconded. discussion? if you want to add anything, noreen? >> no. there is the related change to the result. * clause. i didn't know from was any public comment is all. >> i was getting to that. that's quite all right. i'm used to the beautiful ladies running the meeting. all right. [laughter] >> any public comment? all right. there being none, is there a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> so moved by commissioner vietor. seconded by mr. courtney. all those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> those opposed? all right, the motion carries. and that brings us to --
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>> item 10. >> yes, item 10. >> mr. president? >> yes. >> [speaker not understood]. we had communications before i knew t. i have a comment on ongoing calendar. >> sure. >> i did not see any mention of a discussion on our disposable real estate. the only item i saw was a yearly report on real estate. so, somebody please correct me that it is there. mr. harlan? >> i'm sorry, commissioner, whats was the question? >> the question was i failed to see our discussion time for the disposal of our real estate. >> okay. >> and that is an oversight on my part, i apologize. i'll make sure it gets on the
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advanced calendar and we have it in the next meeting or two. >> thank you. >> all right. commissioner vietor. >> i had an item under commission business, item number 6. just a quick item on the lake merced meeting in the community that we were going to calendar. and just want to find out if there is progress made and if we have a date set for that. >> ka canoes will be provided? >> [speaker not understood]. we have not set a date for that e. we have been trying to set a meeting with management for rec and park the next week or so. we can actually set a date and set an agenda for that. >> so, if you could please by our next meeting have a date, couple of proposed dates for us to review, that would be great. thank you. >> great. any other comments on that? all right. item number 10. >> item 10, approve amendment no. 1 to agreement cs-968, environmental analysis services for the upper alameda creek filter gallery project, with environmental science associates to provide environmental analysis services and permitting support; and authorize the general manager
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to execute this amendment with a time extension of six years, for a total agreement of duration of eight years, 10 months. >> [speaker not understood]. good afternoon, commissioners. tm kelly. this project, the alameda creek, per alameda creek filter gallery project is located in [speaker not understood] on alameda creek. it is to recapture water that is released for fisheries, habitat enhancement from the calaveras dam. the project started in january 2010, then it was placed on hold for -- since november 2011, basically two years. and now we are ready, almost ready. the planning has been going on to plan the project and we're
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almost ready to start environmental review again, but we don't have enough time. so, therefore, we're asking for a three-year, five-month extension. there was a slight error in the agenda item under amendment number 1. if you look at that, it says extension by sick years. >> yes. >> but that's wrong. it's actually three years and five months. * six and apologies for that. so, the total duration would be six years and three months. we're not asking for additional funds. the consultant is ready to restart the work and we're looking for your approval. >> why does it take so long? >> well, because it was on hold. >> ah, that's right. >> we had to stop work. it made sense to stop work so
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that we're not charging and not wasting time and money. in the meantime we're going to plan a better project. >> i'd like to move this forward with all due haste. >> all due haste, thank you. >> second. >> is there a eked all those signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> opposed? >> thank you very much. >> it is carried. item number 11. >> item 11, approve an increase in the construction contract cost contingency for contract hh-953, tesla portal protection, in the amount of $519,366, and an increase in the contract duration of up to 195 consecutive calendar days. authorize the general manager to approve future modifications to the contract, for a total revised contract amount of up to $3,555,366 and for a total revised contract duration up to 459 consecutive calendar days. >> [speaker not understood]. >> good afternoon, julie
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labonte. pretty straightforward item. be happy to answer any questions. >> any questions? is there a motion sf >> so moved. >> moved by senator -- >> senator. [laughter] >> commissioner caen. not my day today. >> seconded by senator moran. >> ah, the ambitionses. all those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> opposed? motion is carried. public comment on matters to be discussed in closed session. public comments on closed session matters. all right, there being none, we'll have to entertain a motion to assert attorney/client privilege. >> so moved. >> seconded? >> second. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed? the motion is carried. >> closed session item number 14, conference with legal counsel pursuant to california government code section 54956.9 (a) and san francisco administrative code section 67.10(d). item 15, conference with legal co
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>> i move not to disclose. >> second by commissioner caen. signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed? motion carries. other new business? we're adjourned. [adjourned] so are you going out tonight? i can't. my parents say i have to be home right after work. ugh. that's so gay.
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totally gay. ugh. that is so emma and julia. why are you saying, "that's so emma and julia"? well, you know, when something is dumb or stupid, you say, "that's so emma and julia." who says that? everyone. announcer: imagine if who you are were used as an insult. >> just a few steps away from
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union square is a quiet corner stone of san francisco's our community to the meridian gallery has a 20-year history of supporting visual arts. experimental music concert, and also readings. >> give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. and lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] >> meridians' stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission, to increase social, philosophical, and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. >> it gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of any kind, in any discipline, creates change. >> it is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian.
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>> you want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. i felt like at meridian, it could do some good. we did not even talk about price until the day before the show. of course, meridian needs to support itself and support the community. but that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. >> his work is printed porcelain. he transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. each one, only one-tenth of an inch thick. >> it took about two years to get it down. i would say i lose 30% of the pieces that i made. something happens to them. they cracked, the break during the process. it is very complex. they fall apart. but it is worth it to me. there are photographs i took 1 hours 99 the former soviet union. these are blown up to a gigantic images. they lose resolution. i do not mind that, because my
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images are about the images, but they're also about the idea, which is why there is text all over the entire surface. >> marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just five years ago. its galleries are housed in one of the very rare single family residences around union square. for the 100th anniversary of the mansion, meridian hosted a series of special events, including a world premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. >> the birth of an american corporate fascism, the next to last free states radio, the next-to-last independent newspaper raising hell, the next-to-last independent bookstore with a mind of its own, the next to last leftie looking for obama nirvana. [laughter]
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the first day of the wall street occupation set forth upon this continent a new revolutionary nation. [applause] >> in addition to its own programming as -- of artist talks, meridian has been a downtown host for san francisco states well-known port trees center. recent luminaries have included david meltzer, steve dixon, and jack hirsch man. >> you can black as out of the press, blog and arrest us, tear gas, mace, and shoot us, as we know very well, you will, but this time we're not turning back. we know you are finished. desperate, near the end. hysterical in your flabbergastlyness. amen.
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>> after the readings, the crowd headed to a reception upstairs by wandering through the other gallery rooms in the historic home. the third floor is not usually reserved for just parties, however. it is the stage for live performances. ♪ under the guidance of musical curators, these three, meridian has maintained a strong commitment to new music, compositions that are innovative, experimental, and sometimes challenging. sound art is an artistic and event that usually receives short shrift from most galleries because san francisco is musicians have responded by showing strong support for the programming.
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♪ looking into meridian's future, she says she wants to keep doing the same thing that she has been doing since 1989. to enlighten and disturbed. >> i really believe that all the arts have a serious function and that it helps us find out who we are in a much wider sense than we were before we experienced that work of art. ♪ >> feel like it really is a community. they are not the same thing, but
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it really does feel like there's that kind of a five. everybody is there to enjoy a literary reading. >> the best lit in san francisco. friendly, free, and you might get fed. ♪ [applause] >> this san francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. she was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990's and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi it's ic in the mission. >> although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho. people writing poems about being jerks. beatty their chest onstage. >> she was energized by the
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scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. touring the country and sharing gen-x 7 as a. her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. theses san francisco public library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. >> a lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. they're just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way. coming in to the library is awesome. very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. at first, people were like, you want me to read at the library,
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really? things like that. >> as a documentary, there are interviews -- [inaudible] >> radar readings are focused on clear culture. strayed all others might write about gay authors. gay authors might write about universal experiences. the host creates a welcoming environment for everybody. there is no cultural barrier to entry. >> the demographic of people who come will match the demographic of the reader. it is very simple. if we want more people of color, you book more people of color. you want more women, your book more women. kind of like that. it gets mixed up a little bit. in general, we kind of have a core group of people who come
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every month. their ages and very. we definitely have some folks who are straight. >> the loyal audience has allowed michelle to take more chances with the monthly lineup. established authors bring in an older audience. younker authors bring in their friends from the community who might be bringing in an older author. >> raider has provided a stage for more than 400 writers. it ranges from fiction to academics stories to academic stories this service the underground of queer fell, history, or culture. >> and there are so many different literary circles in san francisco. i have been programming this reading series for nine years. and i still have a huge list on
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my computer of people i need to carry into this. >> the supportive audience has allowed michele to try new experiment this year, the radar book club. a deep explorationer of a single work. after the talk, she bounces on stage to jump-start the q&a. less charlie rose and more carson daly. >> san francisco is consistently ranked as one of the most literate cities in the united states. multiple reading events are happening every night of the year, competing against a big names like city arts and lectures. radar was voted the winner of these san francisco contest. after two decades of working for free, michelle is able to make radar her full-time job. >> i am a right to myself, but i
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feel like my work in this world is eagerly to bring writers together and to produce literary events. if i was only doing my own work, i would not be happy. it is, like throwing a party or a dinner party. i can match that person with that person. it is really fun for me. it is nerve wracking during the actual readings. i hope everyone is good. i hope the audience likes them. i hope everybody shows up. but everything works out. at the end of the reading, everyone is happy. ♪ >> i tried to think about this room as the dream room, where we dream and bring some of those dreams to life. i feel very blessed that i have been able to spend the last 31
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years of my life doing it my way, thinking about things better interesting to me, and then pursuing them. there are a lot of different artists that come here to work, mostly doing aerial work. kindred spirits, so to speak. there is a circus company that i have been fortunate enough to work with the last couple of years. i use elements of dance and choreography and combine that with theater techniques. a lot of the work is content- based, has a strong narrative. the dancers have more of a theatrical feel. i think we are best known for our specific work. in the last 15 years, spending a lot of time focusing on issues that affect us and are related
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to the african-american experience, here in the united states. i had heard of marcus shelby and had been in join his work but never had the opportunity to meet him. we were brought together by the equal justice society specifically for this project. we were charged with beginning work. marquez and i spent a lot of time addressing our own position on the death penalty, our experiences with people who had been incarcerated, family members, friends of friends. pulling our information. beyond that, we did our own research. to create a picture that resonated with humanity.